Our events are open to applications. Click on the event you're interested in to find out when applications are accepted. You can fill in the form after this date, but you will automatically be put on the waiting list, and a follow-up will be carried out by our team only if a place becomes available and can be offered to you.
1) Create an account on our site, or Login if you already have one.
2) The registration page for each event will appear in the top menu of the site. This is where the details for artisans and the application form will be found.
Creating your account automatically subscribes you to communications concerning our next calls for applications, so even if we're not in the application period, don't hesitate to create your account to be kept informed of upcoming events!
Read our articles on preparing your applications
We're always on the lookout for kind-hearted people willing to offer a little of their time at our events. Whether it's greeting visitors for a few hours, helping transport craftsmen's materials or setting up and dismantling the hall, any help is greatly appreciated!
Information about becoming a volunteer
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We couldn't find any event scheduled at this moment.